Promise Over America


“America my child, you are not an orphan. I have not forgotten you. I called you forth for a solitary purpose...for My glory. You are united and founded on the Rock of Unity. You were founded to worship Me. I won your freedom from the beginning. I am calling you back to your first birth...your first Love. I am turning your hearts back to Me. I joined you to Me as My people. I have called you to be an example for the world, and I have blessed you abundantly. Though you have strayed, I have not left you. I am calling you back to Me and My Word does not return void. I set you forth as a nation united and united you will stand. No longer will you be a place of perversion and corruption. The reign of darkness in you is coming to an end. I have ordained it so. I have set a people among you to usher you into this Unity with Me, to show what a people yielded to Me looks like and what true freedom is. I have opened the gates of my house to you. Enter into my courts for I have numbered you and called you to be Mine. Enter!”

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Opposition & Stealth Warfare